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Attorney Matt Trollinger of Trollinger Law LLC recently discussed his life as a personal injury lawyer with a group of high school students at Southern Maryland Christian Academy. The discussion was part of the school’s effort to inform students about job opportunities in the legal field. During the Zoom call, Matt described his career path, starting when he was a personal injury lawyer at a Washington, D.C. law firm and detailing his transition to opening his own practice in Waldorf.

Matt shared with students the wide variety of career options as an attorney but told them to try to find what motivated their passions. For Matt, helping the injured is where he’s found a purpose greater than himself, “I want to be a voice for the people. That’s why I love being an attorney. You can help a lot of folks get through some of the worst times and protect them as they try to recover.”

Matt also described that a large part of his background and development was due to Christian education. He expressed gratitude for his parents’ dedication and sacrifice to allow him to attend New Life Christian School in Frederick and a college degree at Grove City College, then ultimately his law degree and master’s degree with Regent University.

Today, Matt represents clients who have been hurt in a wide range of accidents in Southern Maryland, including motor vehicle crashes, workplace accidents, slip and fall cases, and other serious injury matters.

After a serious accident, an injury can leave you with ongoing medical expenses, unable to work, and worrying about your future. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in these situations, and the thought of hiring an attorney can be intimidating. At Trollinger Law LLC, we are here to listen to your story, explain your legal options, answer questions about what to expect, and help you make a smart decision about how best to move forward.