Americans Not Ready for Self Driving Cars - Trollinger Law - Waldorf, MD

Autonomous vehicles are widely regarded as the wave of the future for automakers. Also called “self-driving vehicles,” these cars are intended to fully operate on their own without a driver. Right now, autonomous cars are only in the testing phases in certain parts of the country. But according to a recent study, approximately half of Americans do not have confidence in the safety of autonomous vehicles.

People are right to be cautious. More than 500 people died and nearly 50,000 were injured in Maryland car accidents in a single year, according to the most recent data from the state Department of Transportation. If you’ve been injured in a crash, contact Waldorf attorney Matt Trollinger immediately for a free consultation.

Most Americans Do Not Trust Self-Driving Cars

According to a q1, around 50 percent of Americans do not trust autonomous vehicles. Two-thirds of people stated that they would not purchase an autonomous vehicle. Additionally, 63 percent of individuals that responded to the study said they would not spend more money on a self-driving vehicle, and 41 percent of respondents said that they would not pay more than $2,000 for a comparable non-autonomous vehicle.

The concern is well-founded. There have been several highly publicized self-driving car accidents across the U.S. since the cars have been deployed, even with a backup human driver in the car who is supposed to intervene if a crash is imminent.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic brought the country to a halt, some carmakers are using the time to work on additional safety features until the U.S. reopens, while others have stopped entirely, according to a recent Forbes article. Efforts will likely get underway again as the country recovers.

Are Autonomous Vehicles Safe?

Whether or not autonomous vehicles are safe remains to be seen. It is clear that when self-driving cars require someone to be in the car and ready to take control of the vehicle at any time, these individuals must be ready to do so. Unfortunately, even if there is a human present in the vehicle, there is no guarantee of safety when an autonomous vehicle is in charge. In one self-driving car accident, the backup driver was found to be streaming video at the time of the crash.

In these types of cases, accident victims may be able to file a personal injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent driver. Similarly, in cases where the autonomous cars fail and cause an accident, injured victims could have a product liability claim against the vehicle manufacturer.

Trollinger Law LLC  with car accident attorney Matt Trollinger, will continue to monitor the evolution of self-driving cars and how they may impact the safety of Marylanders.

How Can Trollinger Law LLC Help Me?

If you have been involved in a crash involving an autonomous car, you need the legal help of an experienced car accident lawyer, like personal injury attorney Matt Trollinger, an accomplished trial lawyer with a track record of success representing accident victims in Waldorf, Charles County, and Washington, D.C. We know how to file car accident claims, determine liability, and negotiate with the insurance company to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

To learn more about how we can help, contact us today for a free consultation.

After a serious accident, an injury can leave you with ongoing medical expenses, unable to work, and worrying about your future. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in these situations, and the thought of hiring an attorney can be intimidating. At Trollinger Law LLC, we are here to listen to your story, explain your legal options, answer questions about what to expect, and help you make a smart decision about how best to move forward.