Child Victims Act

If you were sexually abused as a child in Maryland, you are not alone — and you should know that hope is at hand. With the passage of the Child Victims Act of 2023, you can now seek justice for the abuse you endured as a child, even if the deadline established by the old statute of limitations on litigation has passed.

At Trollinger Law LLC, we understand the prospect of taking legal action might feel frightening, and you may have many questions. Our compassionate attorneys are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to pursue justice and compensation for the harm you suffered. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn your options under this landmark law for survivors.

Understanding the Child Victims Act of 2023: A Guide for Survivors

Maryland lawmakers recently passed legislation ending the state’s legal time limit on civil lawsuits for child sexual abuse survivors. The Child Victims Act of 2023 opens a retroactive window that allows survivors to sue their abusers and any institutions that enable them for financial compensation. Previously, those sexually abused as children could not file suit after age 38 in Maryland. Starting Oct. 1, this time limit no longer exists. It also allows claimants with previously time-barred claims to take legal action.

The act also changes the cap on damages for victims of child sex abuse. Under the law, caps on damages against private entities are capped at $1.5 million. The cap for public entities, like schools and government agencies, is $890,000. This applies to each instance of abuse.

Steps for Child Victims to Take Under the New Child Victims Act

The steps you need to take to file a lawsuit under the new Maryland Child Victims Act of 2023 will vary based on the unique circumstances of your case. The most important step to protect your rights and seek justice for yourself is to contact an experienced sexual abuse injury attorney as soon as possible.

At Trollinger Law LLC, your first consultation is free and 100 percent confidential. We’re here to listen to your story and determine your legal options. You can help by:

  • Providing as much information about the incident(s) as possible
  • Passing along any evidence you might have saved
  • Providing the names of witnesses who could help your case
  • Providing relevant medical information or documentation

Don’t worry if you don’t have all the facts right away. Our law firm will do the investigative work to hold the at-fault parties accountable for the harm you suffered.

Taking Action as a Survivor Under the Child Victims Act of 2023

The new Maryland Child Victims Act puts the power back into your hands. You can now take legal action to hold your abuser responsible for their actions and recover compensation in civil court. We know coming forward can be daunting and overwhelming, dredging up painful memories you may have tried to lock away. With the help of a Maryland sexual abuse injury lawyer, you can take a stand and gain the measure of justice you truly deserve.

How Can You Get Legal Help from a Sexual Abuse Injury Lawyer?

Getting guidance from a sexual abuse injury lawyer is just a click or phone call away. All you need to do is consult the experienced legal team at Trollinger Law LLC today. We are ready to offer compassionate support and aggressive legal representation to you. Contact us now for a free and confidential case review.

After a serious accident, an injury can leave you with ongoing medical expenses, unable to work, and worrying about your future. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in these situations, and the thought of hiring an attorney can be intimidating. At Trollinger Law LLC, we are here to listen to your story, explain your legal options, answer questions about what to expect, and help you make a smart decision about how best to move forward.