Personal Injury

When you are injured in an accident in Maryland or D.C. that was someone elseā€™s fault, you may have a claim for damages against the party or parties responsible for the accident.

Determining who is responsible for an accident and what kinds of compensation you may be entitled to can be a complicated process. Having a dedicated, knowledgeable personal injury attorney to represent you through your claim can simplify the process and increase your chances of collecting fair and full compensation for your losses.

If you have been injured in an accident, contact La Plata personal injury attorney Matt Trollinger today to schedule a free consultation. We can discuss your legal rights and options, and you can learn more about how our attorney can help you pursue the compensation you need and deserve.

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

There are many situations that may give rise to a personal injury claim. Our personal injury attorney, Matt Trollinger, has experience helping clients who have been injured in numerous types of incidents.

A few examples of common types of personal injury cases we handle include:

  • Car Accidents ā€“ When a driver fails to drive with care or violates the rules of the road and causes a crash, that driver may be liable to other drivers for any injuries and vehicle damage that result from the accident.
  • Truck Accidents ā€“Truck drivers are often required to transport goods across long distances, driving for hours on end. They risk becoming tired or drowsy behind the wheel when they donā€™t take necessary breaks, which in turn increases the risk of an accident.
  • Motorcycle Accidents ā€“ Although many motorcycle riders are safe and aware motorists, other drivers on the road unfortunately donā€™t always pay motorcycles the same attention they do to other vehicles. This lack of attention can lead to accidents that can leave motorcyclists with severe, debilitating injuries.
  • Bicycle Accidents ā€“ Towns and suburbs in La Plata are filled with people who bike as a form of transportation or recreation. Unfortunately, bicyclists are vulnerable to motorists who donā€™t treat bicyclists on the road with due care.
  • Pedestrian Accidents ā€“ Pedestrians face the risk of severe or life-threatening injury when they are involved in accidents with any kind of vehicle. If a driver is not following traffic laws, an injured pedestrian could have a claim.
  • Slip and Fall Accidents ā€“ Dangerous conditions can present the risk of a slip and fall, especially if the property contains hazards such as ice or other slippery substances in areas where people walk.
  • Premises Liability ā€“ Any owner or occupier of property has a legal duty to ensure that their property is safe for those who legally enter. If they fail to meet this duty, they can be held liable for injuries that take place on the property.
  • Workplace Accidents ā€“ People who are injured on the job may be entitled to receive medical care and wage replacement from their employers through a workersā€™ compensation claim. In certain circumstances, injured workers may also be entitled to pursue a third-party personal injury claim for their work-related injury.
  • Wrongful Death ā€“ The law allows the immediate family of someone killed because of someone elseā€™s negligence to seek damages from the responsible party or parties.

Trollinger Law LLC helps only individuals who have been hurt at work or by someone elseā€™s negligence. We do not represent insurance companies or employers in personal injury or workersā€™ compensation cases.

Contact us today to discuss your personal injury case in more detail and to learn more about how Trollinger Law LLC can help you seek compensation and recovery in your personal injury claim.

Damages You Could Recover in a Personal Injury Claim

In a personal injury claim, you are generally able to claim two main kinds of damages: economic damages and non-economic damages. Economic damages are financial losses that are easily calculated by reference to bills, invoices, and paystubs, for example. On the other hand, non-economic damages are more subjective compensation for physical and emotional damages suffered in an accident.

Examples of economic damages include:

  • Past and future medical expenses, such as hospital stays, doctorā€™s visits, surgeries, medication, durable medical equipment, and physical or occupational therapy
  • Past and future lost wages, such as income lost due to missed work, as well as the difference between pre- and post-injury income

Examples of non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering, which is compensation for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injuries
  • Loss of quality of life, which compensates an injured party for the inability to complete daily activities or partake in activities enjoyed prior to their injury
  • Loss of companionship, which compensates an injured partyā€™s family for the loss of the injured personā€™s services to the family

In rare cases, a personal injury claimant may also be entitled to seek punitive damages. Punitive damages do no compensate the claimant for any loss, but instead punish the responsible party for particularly egregious conduct that would ā€œshock the conscienceā€ of any reasonable person.

Statute of Limitations on Injury Claims in Maryland and D.C.

Under the law, you have a limited period of time to file a lawsuit for personal injury. This period is called the statute of limitations.

In La Plata, MD, the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits is three years from the date of injury. In the District of Columbia, the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits is also three years from the date of injury.

There are certain circumstances when a court may pause or ā€œtollā€ the statute of limitations. For example, there is a statutory extension to the statute of limitations for minors who have personal injury claims. In both Maryland and the District of Columbia, a minor has three years from the date he or she turns 18 to file their claims.

If you believe you may have a personal injury claim, it is critical that you speak with our personal injury attorney as soon as possible to begin the process of investigating and pursuing your case before the statute of limitations expires.

How Our La Plata Personal Injury Attorney Can Help with Your Case

If you have been injured through another partyā€™s negligence, it is likely that your focus is on your recovery so that you can get back to living your life and caring for your family.

When you are trying to recover from your injuries and get your life back on track, you probably do not have the mental and emotional strength necessary to pursue an injury claim on your own. Our La Plata personal injury attorney, Matt Trollinger, can help take on your case so that you can keep your focus on getting better.

Matt Trollinger is prepared to begin the process of investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding your accident to understand how it happened and who may be responsible. Once the responsible parties are identified, he can calculate the full extent of your losses and build a solid case for recovery.

The next step is to begin negotiating with insurance companies to seek a full and fair settlement of your personal injury claim. Matt Trollinger will aggressively pursue negotiations until you are provided with a settlement that fully compensates you for your losses.

If a negotiated settlement is not possible, he will be prepared to take your personal injury claim to court, vigorously advocating on your behalf before a judge and a jury to seek a verdict and judgment in your favor.

Our La Plata personal injury attorney will be by your side through every step of the personal injury claim process so that you have the time and energy to focus on your recovery and your life.

Steps to Take to Protect Your Rights After an Accident

If youā€™re involved in an accident that causes injury, there are certain steps you can take to protect your rights and put yourself in the best position to seek a recovery for any losses you suffer.

You should seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you do not think at first that your injuries are very serious. Symptoms of an injury can take days or even weeks to manifest. Seeking prompt medical attention means that your treatment begins that much sooner and could allow for more effective treatment of a potentially serious injury. Prompt medical attention can also prevent another party from claiming that your injuries were caused by something other than your accident.

You should also keep a diary or journal of how your injuries impact your life, which can be critical to supporting claims for damages for pain and suffering and loss of quality of life.

If you or someone with you is capable of doing so, it is ideal to take photographs of the accident scene. For example, if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you should photograph the vehicles involved and their damage, skid marks on the road, the road surface conditions, the weather and lighting at the time of the accident, and the traffic controls at the scene. Or, if you are involved in a slip-and-fall accident, you should take pictures of the area around where your fall occurred, including a photo of the substance that caused you to slip, along with the lighting of the area and any obstructions that may have blocked your view of whatever caused your fall.

You should speak to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. You have a limited period of time to pursue a legal claim for personal injury, so you will want to give yourself and an attorney as much time as possible to investigate your accident and prepare a strong legal case.

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Many accidents result in victims suffering severe, persistent or permanent injuries. These injuries are often referred to as ā€œcatastrophicā€ injuries in the context of a personal injury claim. Catastrophic injuries are those that would prevent an individual from performing gainful work or normal daily activities.

Examples of catastrophic injuries that victims of personal injury accidents suffer include:

  • Bone Fractures ā€“ Bone fractures can constitute a catastrophic injury, particularly when involving legs, knees, hips, shoulders, arms, and elbows.
  • Severe Burns ā€“ Severe burns may require complicated and painful surgery, take weeks to heal, and put a victim at risk of debilitating or even deadly infections.
  • Organ Damage ā€“ Organ damage, including any kind of damage resulting in internal bleeding, can quickly put a victim at risk of loss of the damaged organ or loss of function of the organ, or even at risk of death.
  • Amputations ā€“ Severe impacts can sever arms and legs or can sufficiently damage them enough to require their amputation.
  • Exposure to Hazardous Substances ā€“ Persons who are exposed to hazardous or toxic substances may develop debilitating diseases or fatal health conditions.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries ā€“ Accidents can result in spinal cord injuries that can leave victims temporarily or permanently paralyzed in various parts of their bodies.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) ā€“ Trauma to the head can inflict traumatic brain injuries, which can cause serious cognitive problems that may last a lifetime.

Talk to a Maryland and D.C. Personal Injury Lawyer Now

If you have been hurt in an accident in La Plata, MD, it is important that you speak with a personal injury attorney to understand your legal rights and options. Contact our Maryland and D.C. personal injury attorney today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

We look forward to discussing your situation and how our personal injury attorney near you in La Plata can help you to maximize your financial recovery in a personal injury claim.