A Maryland motorcycle accident can leave you with more questions than answers. Learning your legal rights and how to pursue financial compensation for your injuries is critical. Your best choice for clear answers is an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. An attorney can provide general information about Maryland motorcycle accidents and a personalized review of your case in a free consultation.

Here are the most frequently asked questions Trollinger Law LLC receives about motorcycle accidents in Maryland. If you have further questions after reading these motorcycle accident FAQs, contact us today for a no-cost case review.

Common Motorcycle Accident Questions

When you schedule a consultation after a motorcycle collision, your attorney will need key details to assess your claimā€™s viability. Be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • Time and location of the crash
  • Vehicles involved and their directions of travel
  • Your memory of how the collision occurred
  • Names and contact details from the driver or any witness
  • Photos or video of the accident scene
  • A summary of the injuries you sustained
  • Details of your medical treatment
  • Ongoing symptoms or limitations resulting from your injuries
  • Expenses you incurred, such as medical bills and lost wages
  • Your insurance policy

By gathering this background information, you help your motorcycle accident lawyer expedite their initial investigation into the crash. However, do not delay consulting an attorney simply because you lack information. They can help you get it.

Your main point of contact will depend significantly on which law firm you choose. At Trollinger Law LLC, you will remain in direct contact with your attorney. Personalized attention for our clients is one of our core values. When you hire us, you can rest assured that we will always keep you in the loop regarding your case.

You will only pay if and when we win your case. Our fees will come out of your final financial award as a certain percentage of the total payout. You will not owe anything up-front or out-of-pocket.

At Trollinger Law LLC, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only pay us if we secure financial compensation for you. We will outline the fee arrangements before representation begins so you know what to expect.

Be patient while your attorney is engaged in negotiations with the insurance adjuster. Insurers seek to save money, so the negotiation process often takes time. A seasoned attorney will understand how to overcome the insurance adjusterā€™s avoidance tactics, using facts and evidence as leverage to get a fair result.

Many motorcycle accident cases involve: 

  • Initial consultation ā€“ At Trollinger Law LLC, the initial case evaluation with our attorneys is always free.
  • Investigation ā€“ Your motorcycle accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the crash to determine what occurred and who is liable.
  • Calculating losses ā€“ Your lawyer will take account of your financial and personal losses to determine how much your case is worth.
  • Negotiations ā€“ Insurance companies do not always immediately agree to give you the compensation you request. Your attorney can negotiate aggressively for what you deserve.
  • Motorcycle accident lawsuit ā€“ If the insurer refuses to offer you a fair settlement, your attorney can take the matter to court.

 Most motorcycle accident cases end with a settlement and no need for trial.

A motorcycle accident lawyer who commits to personalized attention sees you as a human being, not just a case number. By taking the time to understand your unique situation, perspective, and struggles, they can craft an individualized legal strategy and improve your chances of recovering full compensation.

First, motorcycle accidents fall under the umbrella of personal injury law in Maryland. If someone else caused the accident and your injuries, you seek compensation by filing a personal injury claim against them. For this reason, you should hire a law office that focuses on personal injury law.

Some law firms are general practices. Their attorneys might practice a wide range of law, such as criminal defense, business law, and family law, with a small emphasis on personal injury. When you hire a firm that focuses exclusively on personal injury claims, you get attorneys with a deep understanding of how the stateā€™s laws apply to your case. Thatā€™s what they do every day.

Doctorā€™s notes, diagnostic scans, and other documentation can prove the nature and extent of your injuries. Your doctor can also confirm the most likely causes of your injuries, linking them to the motorcycle.

Your body releases adrenaline when you experience a traumatic event. These hormones help you focus in the aftermath of a motorcycle crash but may mask the pain you might otherwise feel from an injury. Going to the hospital promptly for a diagnosis establishes a firm link between the accident and any injuries you sustained. If you wait too long, the insurance company could argue that your injuries are unrelated to the crash.

Police reports are essential pieces of evidence in most motorcycle accident claims. In an accident report, responding officers note the date and time of the accident, draw a diagram of what occurred, and write their initial assessment of who was at fault. Insurance companies frequently require motorcycle riders to submit these reports along with their injury claims.

 At the Scene of the Accident

What you do in the moments after an accident is critical for your health and the strength of your claim. If you can, you should:

  • Move out of the road. This step is essential to prevent further harm or additional accidents.
  • Call local law enforcement. The responding officer should create an accident report that the insurance company will want as evidence for your claim. Do not guess who is at fault for the accident ā€” leave it up to a lawyer to investigate.
  • Seek medical attention immediately. Never refuse recommendations for emergency treatment. See a doctor even if you donā€™t notice immediate motorcycle accident injuries. A doctorā€™s examination can uncover trauma even if you donā€™t experience symptoms right away.
  • Contact a skilled Maryland motorcycle accident attorney. The insurance company will have questions about the wreck, but avoid offering details until you consult a lawyer.  

Motorcycle accident claims can be complex. For decades, motorcyclists have been portrayed as aggressive or reckless drivers in popular media. The unfortunate result is that insurance companies and juries may have unfair biases against motorcyclists that affect their handling of valid injury claims. Working with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who can counter these myths can help maximize an injured rider’s financial compensation.  

Contact Trollinger Law LLC Today

Motorcycle accidents are capable of causing serious injuries. At Trollinger Law LLC, we can help you obtain justice and accountability after a crash. Contact us today for your free case review with a trusted Maryland motorcycle accident lawyer.