Tips for Returning to Work After an Injury

Itā€™s easy for there to be some confusion on how and when you should return to work after a workplace injury. You may also feel stress or anxiety at the prospect of returning before you are ready.

At Trollinger Law LLC, we understand your apprehension. Getting back into the swing of things is never easy, especially if you have suffered from a serious work-related injury. Before you head back, consider these tips for returning to work after an injury. They can help make your transition back into the workplace a smooth one.

Keep Your Employer Updated

Communication is key. Your employer may be in the dark about your condition and when you will be able to return to work unless you talk to them. Try to give your employer regular updates about how you are feeling, your recovery process, and when you may be able to return to work. You will also want to notify your employer of any limitations which will impact your job.

Follow Doctorā€™s Orders

If you are recovering from a workplace accident, you must follow all your physicianā€™s orders. Be sure to keep all your follow-up appointments, take medications as prescribed, and stick with your doctorā€™s treatment plan. Not only will following directions help your recovery, but it may also be vital to your workersā€™ compensation benefits plan.

Do Not Return Without Official Clearance

Do not return to work before you are physically ready. Doing so will only increase your chances of getting hurt again, aggravating your injury, and potentially hurting your claim to workersā€™ comp benefits. You need medical clearance from your doctor before returning to work.

What Are Work Restrictions?

In addition to waiting for the green light from your doctor, you need to make sure that your doctor also outlines your work restrictions. Work restrictions are typically a list of activities that you should not perform on the job as you continue to recover. If your job requires you to lift 50 pounds or more regularly, but your doctor does not recommend you lift heavy objects, your employer needs those directions clearly spelled out.

Your injury may prevent you from doing parts of your job. Your doctor will need to outline these restrictions so that your employer can adjust your work duties as you transition back to the workplace.

What to Do If Your Employer Ignores Your Light Duty Restrictions

If your employer is not taking your work restrictions seriously, bring the situation up with your supervisor. Let your supervisor know that you have a work restriction plan on file and talk about ways your employer can help you do your job while you are on the mend.

If talking to your supervisor does not improve the situation, speak with your workersā€™ compensation case manager or physician. Sometimes a doctorā€™s orders may seem unclear, and the employer needs more specific examples of what you cannot do. If all else fails, you should consult with an experienced workersā€™ compensation lawyer to discuss your rights.

Contact a Maryland Workersā€™ Compensation Lawyer at Trollinger Law LLC

If a workplace injury has sidelined you, contact a Maryland workersā€™ compensation lawyer with Trollinger Law LLC. Our law firm can help you go after the benefits that you deserve and protect your rights. For a free consultation, contact us today.

After a serious accident, an injury can leave you with ongoing medical expenses, unable to work, and worrying about your future. Itā€™s easy to feel overwhelmed in these situations, and the thought of hiring an attorney can be intimidating. At Trollinger Law LLC, we are here to listen to your story, explain your legal options, answer questions about what to expect, and help you make a smart decision about how best to move forward.